Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How Did I Get So Lucky?

Seriously?! This was my wake up call. How can my life get any better than these people in my life? 

Baby Wearing

Evie came downstairs the other day and said, "can you wrap my baby up like you do Sylvia?" 

My heart melted and we enjoyed baking with our babies. 

We're melting down here!!!!!

It's been an average of about 100* plus humidity down here,  so upwards of 115* hear index. We've been cooped up and stir crazy. We had family home evening at the Botanic Gardens in hopes that their sprinkler would be on. Wrong. We gave up pretty quickly. Luckily on our way out, we found WATER!! 

Even Sylvia enjoyed the water and cool breeze. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Where can you find Joel?

Playing MineCraft

He also recently read in front of the whe primary!! Very proud! 

Finger puppets

Evie thought Sylvia needed to learn how to play finger puppets. 

Two months

Sylvie turned 2 months the other day! 

Since eliminating dairy from my diet, she's doing much better. Lots less crying. Lots less stress. She can roll from her belly to her back and loves doing it! She loves watching her brother and sister and can be found most often in my baby wrap or her swing. 

I snapped a few pictures of this precious babe, and big sister was WAY into helping me out. 

Evil is still adjusting to the role of big sister. It's a big job. We're doing our best to fill her will love and kindness and understanding. She is very happy with lots of one on one attention and if you want to make that girl feel important, paint her nails! She loves digging in out sand box and dressing up. 

Joel is doing well. "Big" is a role he's had for a while now.  He does it so well! He's recently become OBSESSED with MoneCraft and we can get many reading minutes for screen time in during the day. He also has learned to ride a two wheeled bike and has permission to ride I the sidewalk by our house. Longer leashes make a momma nervous!