Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Evie's First Bath

It's been a rough couple days. The baby blues are settling in (Don't worry. I saw the Doctor today and we talked it all over. I'm OK. Promise:), Joel has been demanding, Evie has been demanding, Jared has been busy, I've been dealing with some serious body issues..... It hasn't been the ideal situation.

SO! In order to calm "troubled waters" (pun intended ha!) we put the kids in the bath. Bath time always seems to put Joel in a better mood, and we usually end up laughing and the mood gets lighter around our house. :)

So Joel loved helping giving "hi baby" a bath.

I wish i knew how to edit some photos. A lot of them are, for lack of a better word, immodest.

Evie has loved having her hair washed in the sink, but the tub... well.... not so much.

And afterward she pooped on Jared. Awesome!

She's sweet :)

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